Services & Sessions

Psychological Counselling

Counselling sessions  help people  to share their concerns. Dealing with day to day stress, anxiety, fears, relationship issues, school and academic pressure, peer pressure, parental and family issues, and an array of such difficulties find a comfortable release and direction here. Highly ethical environment assures  confidentiality of information. Purpose of counselling is not to decide or choose for people but to help them make an informed choice.


These sessions are therapeutic in nature. Chronic conditions of stress, anxiety, phobias, obsessive thoughts, depression, PTSD, emotional distress, anger & aggression and  persisting conditions that have negative effect on psycological wellbeing of people are addressed through need specific psychotherapy like CBT, EFT, SFT, REBT, CT. Psychological analysis is also done using different calibration techniques and conversational hypnosis.

Facilitating Learning in learners with Learning Disabilities

Learning happens through the integration of several processes like encoding, processing, and decoding the information present in the environment. Deviation in any one or more of these processes leads to outcomes which are different from the expected. Learning disability is a neurological based disorder where the language, number, graphics, spatial orientation and certain other learning modalities are affected due to differently wired neural networks. It is mostly projected in school years when the learners show academic gaps in performance and expectation. During the facilitation process at Jyotirgamaya, the learner explores the alternative methods of learning and processing the information. As the learning process becomes spontaneous, the gaps in expectation and performance start reducing.

Academic Coaching

In Academic coaching, students of regular and open schooling, regular and open university systems approach us with specific topics related to Psychology, Counselling and Family Therapy. Senior school, under-graduate, post-graduate, and B. Ed students receive the tailored guidance as per their need. 

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Sessions and Workshops: 
In addition to Online services, in-person onsite sessions are resumed in Paschim Vihar, Delhi,  and Gurugram. Kindly fix your appointment for a preferred time slot. Short Group trainings, group sessions, family therapy are also available now.  Each core session with LD learners, life-skills and academic coaching lasts for roughly 40-45 minutes. 
Counselling, Psychotherapy and NLP sessions are longer, may extend to an hour or more. 
Charges vary and are discussed in person.